January 21, 2025

"Stay angry, little Meg," Mrs. Whatsit whispered. "You will need all your anger now."
     --Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

November 9, 2024

Thomas Mundy Peterson - Pen & ink with some colored pencil and watercolour, 2.5 in. x 3.5 in.Good god, people. I sure misjudged a hell of a lot of you; it is obvious more studying is called for. Way more. As in, "lessons-that-may-soon-be-illegal" way more.

I have a lot more thoughts. Fascism is a hell of a drug, people. One really doesn't see it for what it is when it finally arrives --no concept of just what it is that you've invited into your lives, just because eggs are inconveniently pricey or because you'd rather your kids not be exposed to history lessons like this one. Fascism never merely visits; it takes up permanent residence.

Anyway. I'm going to keep doing the two things I know I am legitimately good at: teaching and drawing. Therefore I'll keep providing this resource until I am forcibly stopped from doing so. Now get back to your homework.

September 30, 2024

I was honored to be an ad hoc guest on the Everything Is A Primary Source podcast; a fascinating series on historical archiving through the lens of pop culture. This interview was recorded this past spring on Free Comic Book Day in Rochester, NH, a hugely important date in the Nerd calendar --which this year also just happened to fall on May The Fourth Be With You.

Have a listen, if you like, to me and to our host Eric Paul, talk about the content of the 1977 Star Wars soundtrack album and other detritus from an era where "multimedia" was very much a thing... even if we didn't yet actually have that word. I was even permitted to make a brief pitch for The Monitor's Guild. Let me know your thoughts!

September 7, 2024

Shan't be long now! In just two weeks I'll be tabling at my beloved old Granite State Comicon in Manchester, NH. Drop by and tell me all about what you've been up to! Amazing guests, god-tier cosplay, and All Things Nerdy. I'll be bringing along much art, illustration, and of course copies of The Monitor's Guild, Books 1 and 2 --with some sneak previews of Book-3-in-progress! I've missed this show greatly and very much look forward to it! See you all there!

July 31, 2024

If all goes according to plan (fingers crossed), I'll next be seeing you at over the weekend of August 10-11 at Wicked Comic Con 2024, at the Westin Boston Seaport, Boston! The folks who run this show go waaaaaay above and beyond the call of mere fandom, and it's an honour working with them. Drop by my table and let's catch each other up!

July 13, 2024

#blacklivesmatter #teachtruth #dothework

You've another summer reading assignment. Yes, it's that important. Go study and familiarize yourselves with the lives and accomplishments of phenomenal names like researcher Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, civil rights activist M. Carl Holman, sculptor Selma Hortense Burke, educator Anna Haywood Cooper, or scientist Lucien Victor Alexis, Sr.. Learning about people such as these has managed to become an act of subversion --but then, that is simply what one does when imminent fascism is on one's doorstep. I said what I said.

See you all in a week at my table at Plastic City Comic Con. We've a lot to talk about.

July 1, 2024

I am a devout monarchist only when reading or watching The Lord Of the Rings.

Otherwise, you may safely assume my oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution remains in full effect.

#lotr #declarationofindependence #againstallenemiesforeignanddomestic #tompaine #commonsense

May 19, 2024

You know damned well why she chose it.

Watercolour and coloured pencil with pen and ink, 2.5" x 3.5" cardstock.

March 30, 2024

I hear tell the X-Men are popular again! [grin]
A few mutated works from over the years. Lotta shows coming up! First up I'll be hanging out at Vermont Sci-Fi & Fantasy Expo on April 27 and 28 in Essex Junction! Then it'll be over to Jetpack Comics in Rochester, NH on May The Fourth for Free Comic Book Day, the single most important day in the Nerd Calendar. Come on by my table and I'll show you what I've been working on!

February 1, 2024

Teachers: Need some resources to engage your students this Black History Month? I'll send you a pile of these trading cards, no cost, no obligation. Just give me a mailing address and let me know how many students in your class. No strings attached, no censorship, no secret-relaying-of-names to Abbott or DeSantis or HuckaSanders.

January 13, 2024

Confirmed show appearances for 2024 (thus far):
  Apr 27-28 - Vermont Sci-Fi & Fantasy Expo, Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, VT
  May 4 - FREE COMIC BOOK DAY at Jetpack Comics in Rochester, NH
  June 28-30 - New England SuperMegaFest, Natick, Mass.
  July 13-14 - Springfield Comic Con, Mass Mutual Center, Springfield, Mass.
  July 20 - Plastic City Comic Con, Leominster, Mass.
  Aug 10-11 - Wicked Comic Con 2024, Westin Boston Seaport, Boston, Mass.
  Sept 20-22 - Granite State Comicon, Doubletree by Hilton, Manchester, NH

More shows and other appearances to come! Do keep refreshing this page from time to time, and thank you for sticking with me! It really does mean everything to this socially-challenged ageing artist. #oldmanyellsatcloud

December 30, 2023

It would seem that 2023 was definitely a much-improved year, artistically and professionally, than quite a few of the years that immediately preceded it. I sure drew/painted an awful lot of heroes; both from history and from the 23rd century.

However I need Certain Proprietarial Algorithms to understand a few basic facts for 2024: I don't create "content," I create art. I don't "generate clicks," I illustrate. If that means certain trendy keywords don't pick up on my work, then so be it. I'm not going to reinvent myself for the sake of some fleeting social media engagement; the art and the illustration either speaks for itself or it doesn't. When someone voluntarily parts with their lunch money in favour of acquiring one of my creations, then I know the process is working and that I've made the right decision to keep doing this. (And yes, you may call that it an epiphany if you like; it's certainly not something some corporate AI is ever going to comprehend, no matter how many artists' work it steals.)

I plan to see all of you at a lot of shows in 2024. Looking forward to it!

December 10, 2023

A very important light went out, in the universe, over the weekend. I am weeping over the sudden and unexpected loss of the wonderful Mistress Ishbo (perhaps better known in "real life" as Aisha Beauchemin). Our nerdy worlds overlapped and I knew her as an amazing cosplayer, gamer, ideamonger, beer-appreciator, and unvarnished-opinion-sharer, but there are so many more facets to this jewel of a human being.

If one's worth is measured by how many people love you, then Aisha is basically, well, infinite. Grieving with Zack and with everyone who adored you, my friend. Thank you for being in our lives and sharing your awesomeness. #mutantandproud

September 14, 2023

I truly hope you all have a brilliant time at Granite State Comic Con this weekend! Some disappointing health issues and other annoyances preclude my participation this time around but I hope the awesomeness is brought to new heights. Miss you my dears!

August 1, 2023

#blacklivesmatter #teachtruth #dothework

Some more amazing lives and accomplishments that certain states and school districts would rather you not learn about. Your summer reading assignment is to get familiar with such names as Phill Wilson, Barbara Jordan, Bernice Robinson, John Hope Franklin, or Maria Stewart. Go study; it's become an act of subversion.

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Recent Projects...

You're not on the side you think you are.

Drawn in July 2017, at a time when I was getting heartily sick of that 'Steve is secretly Hydra' crap
And Jack Kirby would punch you, too.

So Phil Coulson and Ghost Rider didn't QUITE take care of that loose end, then?

Ncuti just brings so much darned... JOY.  A joyous Doctor.  What a concept!

And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.

Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender as Marvel's greatest-ever villian.  Pen and ink, 10.5 in. x 6.625 in.

Dear Nazis: you DON'T get to claim Steve Rogers for your own.  Try the Red Skull; he's more your 'alt-right' type.

My all-time favourite scene from 2012's THE AVENGERS, reimagined.

Lovely Sheri as Rogue!

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